Diversity and Inclusion
As part of ongoing commitment to developing and sustaining an inclusive culture and ethos in school, we are an active part of the county's work group. This includes nominating three children each year from year 5 who work with me to act as advocates for rights and equality. This term, we are reflecting on how our school promotes equality between males and females.
We have signed a commitment document that was written by the county diversity team that encapsulates all of the work that we undertake in this area. I feel it is important to share this commitment with you and I have therefore copied and pasted it below. If there is anything you would like us to develop/ focus on/ deliver within this area we would love to hear from you. As always, please email me directly on j.goman@greatham.hants.sch.uk;
We undertake this Commitment in the understanding that this is one part of a long and sustained journey for our communities, intended to supplement work that we already do, and provide a forum for us to work collaboratively on a shared vision.
Settings within the partnership are committed to achieving this overarching aim by:
· Creating an inclusive environment, culture and curriculum where everyone has a voice and is heard
and understood;
· Developing inclusive pedagogies;
· Promoting critical thinking of all staff, governors and children;
· Developing a curriculum that challenges propaganda and ensures that the information shared with
children and young people is accurate, comprehensive and from a wide range of perspectives;
· Challenging stereotypes and unconscious bias;
· Providing a range of positive role models from across all sections of society;
· Ensuring that all children have the highest aspirations for their futures and value the contribution
they make to society and the world around them;
· Interrogating data with reference to equity and equality;
· Measuring attitudes towards difference, establishing a baseline for future assessment – tracking trends over time;
· Working in partnership with parents, carers, governors and the wider community.
As part of our Commitment, we undertake to use the self-evaluation tool to evaluate our existing practice; identify areas of good practice which can be shared with others; identify areas for development and seek appropriate support, and attend relevant IDP events, eg conference, training.