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Greatham Primary School



Curriculum Intention 


  • To deliver a broad, high quality and inspiring curriculum that unlocks the unique potential of every child within a safe, caring and vibrant learning community. 
  • To inspire children and leaders in a school where every child is known and able to learn without limits so they can achieve success. 


We organise our curriculum into half termly topics. Each topic has a lead subject area which acts as the key driver. The key drivers are historical, scientific or geographical because we recognise that our children demonstrate high levels of engagement in these areas of the curriculum. Other subjects are creatively placed to link learning rather than being equally spread across terms. We do not teach every subject in a half termly period and subjects are blocked together within a topic where appropriate (for example, 5 RE lessons may be taught over a 3 day period rather than weekly).


Whilst we are determined that the children know the associated facts for each curriculum area, our emphasis is on building the skills required to apply knowledge. This is to create both aspirational and resilient learners.


English is mostly linked to topic themes and key texts are carefully selected in order to drive the learning. Our phonics scheme is ELS(Essential Letters and Sounds) by Oxford Owl. We recognise that outcomes for our children are stronger when the link between English text and topic are clear. Maths, PE and Spanish are taught separately. We endeavour to fill each topic with rich first-hand purposeful experiences and we make meaningful links between subjects. An emphasis on understanding vocabulary is key in all subjects. Environments and expertise beyond the classroom are actively encouraged and within topics we are both flexible and responsive to individual needs and interests. Below you can download our curriculum map.


Alongside all curriculum areas, we teach children about safeguarding themselves and others. This is also taught explicitly. You can see our explicit teaching of safeguarding by clicking on the link below:


Explicit teaching of safeguarding


All children undertake a series of Forest School lessons every year. Our Forest School leader is a member of staff and has been fully trained to deliver the programme. You can find out about our Forest School curriculum by clicking the link below:


Forest school learning journey



For reference here is a link to the National Curriculum




We are proud to have strong SMSC education in school. Our caring school ethos is built upon integrated opportunities for SMSC throughout the school day as well as within curriculum subjects. British Values are promoted as part of this. Some of the ways in which we achieve high quality SMSC are:


  • Assemblies - themed around the school values with an opportunity to reflect and respond
  • Class discussions - focused on understanding the consequences of actions and the effect on others Shared reading opportunities - investigating and responding to moral or ethical dilemmas
  • Assessment opportunities - celebrating all achievements (learning, sporting, behavioural)
  • RE and PSHE curriculums - developing knowledge of the world around and considering ‘right and wrong’. Developing own thoughts and beliefs and respecting those of others
  • Positive contribution to the school - undertaking a responsibility such as being a Young Governor or a Play Leader and giving up own time to improve opportunities for others


Every class undertakes a unit of RE work each half term following the Hampshire Living Difference IV curriculum. We organise the Living Difference framework as follows:


Link to Greatham School RE Overview


Link to Hampshire Living Difference IV.


Parents have the right to withdraw their children from both collective worship and also RE lessons although our school does not recommend this. Requests for withdrawal must be made in writing and addressed to the Headteacher.

If you wish to find out more about our curriculum please click on the link at the bottom of this page. In addition, further information and hard copies of documents may be requested by making contact with the school office who will be happy to help. 

Non-Core Curriculum


We teach non-core subjects by ensuring we teach key information (knowledge) then plan for pupils to use subject specific skills to apply this learnt knowledge. We plan these subject specific skills at an age appropriate level so that pupils can develop them as they progress through our school. The poster below demonstrates how we get our pupils to think deeper and make our curriculum richer and more engaging for the pupils.




Skills Matrices


Here are the skills matrices for our non-core subjects.



School Trips

We aim for each year group to have visits that are carefully interwoven with their topic.  We choose experiences that are not only linked to our topics and are enjoyable for the children, but most importantly, will enhance and extend learning. Trips and may change and develop as we explore our children's interests and each topic.

Open Afternoons! Available to book for Wednesday 9th October, Thursday 14th November and Monday 2nd December 2024. Please contact school office on 01420538224