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Greatham Primary School




Our school uniform has a red and grey theme. We prefer children to wear uniform containing the school logo which can be purchased from our selected supplier (value for money checks have been completed prior to engagement with suppliers). However, plain alternatives are accepted. A second hand uniform service is available via our PTA. Please contact us for further information.

Specific details are as follows:  


Every day wear

PE Kit  - to be worn on PE days

Grey skirt or pinafore dress

Grey trousers or shorts

White short sleeved polo shirt

Red cardigan or jumper 

Plain grey or white socks

Plain grey or red tights

Sensible, low heeled smart black shoes OR plain ankle length boots (to be worn under trousers or with thick red or grey tights).  Examples of suggested styles:


Weatherproof Coat


White T-shirt with logo (logo is optional)

Black unbranded shorts or black, grey or navy blue unbranded tracksuit trousers / leggings for outside in colder weather




Optional Uniform for Warm Weather:

Additional Information for PE:

Red and white check dress

Closed toe sandals



Long hair must be tied back (please provide a band) Watches and earrings must be removed (see below).

Footwear for PE

Barefoot working is recommended for activities such as gymnastics and dance. Training shoes must not be worn for gymnastics or dance, as their hard plastic soles are inflexible and give poor grip. Appropriate footwear must be worn for outside PE.

All uniform with logo is available to purchase from:


PMG Schoolwear- we have our own page. Orders are online only.

