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Greatham Primary School


Who’s Who

Our Staff

Greatham Primary School has an extremely experienced and committed staff. It is their enthusiasm, dedication and expertise that inspires the children to believe in themselves and their ability to achieve.


Click here for information on our governors 

Teaching Staff

 Year GroupArea of Responsibility
Miss J Goman Head Teacher
7 full-time and 2 part-time teachers and 1 Special Needs Teacher

Mrs P Darlington

Miss S Bineham

Year 6 (Otters)

Senior Leader

English Lead

Miss A CampbellYear 5 (Foxes) 

Mrs R Boniface

Year 4 (Moles)



Mrs L Hope

Year 3 (Hedgehogs)Maths Lead

Miss M Wright

Year 2 (Badgers)

Miss S Trussler

Mrs C Addison

Year 1 (Squirrels)

Senior Leader


Mrs J Clarke

Year R (Rabbits) 
Miss S TrusslerSpecial Needs and Disabilities
Co-ordinator for all years


Learning Support Staff

The teaching staff are supported by a team of 11 Learning Support Assistants (LSA’s).


Mrs J Allan 
Mrs K Berryman 
Mrs R Clokey 
Mrs A HawkesELSA

Mrs K Kestle


Mrs L King 
Mrs N Legg 
Mrs C Merriman 
Mrs F Rudman 
Mrs E SeniorYear R
Mrs N Tilbury 


Lunchtime Staff

Mrs A HawkesLunchtime Supervisor



Office Staff

The office staff support the work of the teaching staff.


Mrs W MorrisAdministration Officer
Mrs J SeeligerSenior Administrative Assistant
Ms L DudmanSenior Administrative Assistant


School Caretaker

Mr G StephensSite Manager


Kitchen Staff

Mrs J HorsleyHead of Kitchen
Ms T CottisCatering Assistant


Visiting Peripatetic Music Staff

Mr D FranksGuitar
Ms J WhitehouseKeyboard