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Greatham Primary School


School Trust

The Trust


Greatham School Trust was founded as a registered charity in 1989.  It is run by the parents, governors, and teachers of Greatham Primary School.  It was established to enable parents and former parents to contribute, in a tax-efficient way, to further improve the well-being and advancement of every child attending the school. 

Early achievements of the Trust included building the school hall, expanding to seven classrooms, and providing the school with a computer network.  More recently, money from the Trust has provided the stained glass window in the hall, visiting artists to enhance The Arts, equipment and funding to improve the sports curriculum, outdoor equipment, storage sheds, and an oven and kitchen cupboards to support our Open Futures Programme.  Funds from the Trust are constantly being used to further improve Greatham Primary School for every child attending.
Tax Benefits 

The rules on giving to charities have been relaxed.  If you are a
taxpayer, we can reclaim tax on any donation you make, even small one-off gifts.  That means that for every £1 given to the Trust is worth £1.25 to the school.
Thank you for helping us to make Greatham School a fun and inspiring environment for all our children and our future children too!
For further information please contact the school.

Open Afternoons! Available to book for Wednesday 9th October, Thursday 14th November and Monday 2nd December 2024. Please contact school office on 01420538224